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HeuiChan (Terrence) Lim

Assistant Professor

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Davidson College


Automated Test Program Generation for Compiler Fault Localization

January 2024 - Current


Research in automatically generating test programs to most effciently and effectively
localize both static and dynamic compiler bugs.

Fault localisation in JS Engines

May 2020 - January 2024



Research in developing efficient way to identify the abnormal
behaviours of JIT compilers that are used by well known JS Engines
via behavioural differential testing between interpreted bytecodes and
JIT compiled code. Then, localise the source of the actual bug in the static
code of JIT compiler.

*Some repositories might be set to private

AutoMATES - Delphi

January 2019 - May 2020

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
The University of Arizona



Automated Model Assembly from Text, Equation, and Software
The AutoMATES project aims to build technology to construct and
curate semantically-rich representations of scientific models
Building Fortran-to-Python (for2py) IR

About AutoMates

Statistical Debugging in Dynamic Programs

January 2019 - May 2019



A research in automating the debugging in dynamic programs.
Especially, targeting interpreters and JIT compilers using
statistical debugging approach.
Targeted JIT compiler - Ruby mJIT.

Student Response System Security Analysis

Nov 2017 - Dec 2017

Advanced Security Course (CINS 548)


Utilized mini SDR to capture both i>Clicker base and mobile keypads frequency.
Analyzed visualized frequency activities from CubicSDR.

Personal Budgeting Website Development

Aug 2017 – Dec 2017

Senior Project (CINS 490)


Developed “Personal spending manager” web application with Ruby on Rails 5.
Designed UI with HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX.
Developed backend database with SQLite3 to store user inputs and automate data
updates with stored procedures, trigger.

Last Minute Saver (LMS)

Dec 2016 – May 2017

Personal Project with a peer.
Based on user interactions in parking sharing.

Game Programming Language Compiler Design

Aug 2016 – Dec 2016

Compiler Design Course (CS 515)


Developed a gaming programming language interpreter with C++ using flex and bison.
Used vim text editor, g++ compiler, and gdb in debugging.

U.S. Salary Census Data Web Development

Jun 2016 – Jul 2016

Web Programming Fundamentals (CINS 465)


Developed a website for the U.S. salary census data search in Ruby on Rails 4.
Designed UI with HTML5, and JavaScript.
Utilized jQuery and AJAX to ease the process of data retrieval and search.
Migrated census data from MySQL to SQLite3 database for the application’s backend.

U.S. Salary Census Database Management

Jan 2016 – May 2016

Project for Introduction to Databases Course (CINS 370)


Designed the U.S. salary census data relationship with ER-diagram.
Populated data into MySQL database and normalized down fourth normal form.
Implemented procedures to analyze data that it can be efficiently retrieved by the users.